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Wage Gamishments

IRS Wage Garnishment
You received a notice of "Intent to Levy" 30 days ago and you forgot about it or ignored it. Now it's the levy date is here, and you do not know what to do or where to go.
IRS wage garnishment is the deduction of money from an employee's monetary compensation resulting from unpaid IRS taxes. Most likely this should not be a surprise as the IRS will only levy one's wages after repeated letters and warnings about the taxes owed.
This is one of the IRS's most aggressive tax collection mechanisms and should not be taken lightly. The IRS would rather resolve taxes in a different manner but they will levy when they feel they have run out of other options. It is important to understand how garnishments work to ensure you take the appropriate actions to avoid them or stop the IRS from taking your wages.
The amount of money they will slash from your paycheck is determined by computing the amount of tax owed, the number of claimants, and other important formulas significant in your tax obligations. Generally speaking, however, the IRS usually slashes as much as 70 percent from your monthly salary. So if you have a salary of $3,000, expect to lose more than half of it to the tax agency. Your salary is continuously slashed until your tax debts are completely settled

Getting out of an IRS wage garnishment is not an easy process. In fact, you won't be able to do it on your own unless you pay their demanded full tax amount. The goal of the IRS is to get you back on the right track when it comes to paying taxes, and to remind you to pay your taxes timely to avoid penalties in the future. Of course, the effects are devastating on your finances and once you've encountered this problem, you need an experienced tax relief professional to help you out.
Dealing with the IRS and discussing options for an IRS wage garnishment entails an experienced tax relief professional.
I am regularly retained by taxpayers to negotiate the release of wage garnishments orders from the IRS. I strive to represent my clients to the fullest extent, which helps attain the most favorable settlement for my clients. Negotiating a deal can be far more in your interests!
If you have an IRS wage garnishment problem or IRS problem, Jared Tax Services can you discuss your options and help negotiate the best possible resolution.